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Madison County Fair
October 4th-6th 2024
The Madison County Fair Association www.MadisonCountyFairMo.com
Checks Madison County Fair Association, PO Box 296, Fredericktown, MO 63645
Contact MadisonFairMo@yahoo.com Voicemail 573-783-4662 Text 630-675-9003
Please email logo/ad to: MadisonFairMo@yahoo.com
Sponsorship Level _____________________________________________________________
Amount enclosed______________________________________________________________
Explore, Engage, Enjoy With the Madison County Fair in 2024!
Livestock Show; Sheep/Goats Show; Poultry/Rabbit Show; Horse Show; Truck & Tractor Pull; Vendors; and Family & Environmental Sciences Projects & Much More!
Individuals, Families, Churches, and Businesses-Your support for this wonderful community event will immensely bless your family, friends, and customers, while helping to raise up leaders for the future wellbeing of our community. Sponsorship donations also contribute to the Premiums paid out to the Livestock Show and Truck Pull participants.
Ad Sizes
Full 7.4 inches W x 9.4 inches T
Half 7.4 inches W x 4.7 inches T
Quarter 4.7 inches W x 3.7 inches T
Eighth 3.7 inches W x 2.4 inches T
In the event that the Fair Association is unable to hold the Fair resulting from, but not limited to, any act of God, insurrection, any act of terrorism, war, civil unrest, riots, local or national disturbance, civil or military authority, any act or provision of any present or future law or regulation or governmental authority, severe weather, earthquake, fire, flood or other extraordinary circumstance making it impossible to hold the event, the Fair Association shall not incur any liability or responsibility for not preforming or fulfilling any duty, obligation or responsibility or otherwise from such causes.
Community Connectors Sponsorship Any amount up to $75
Honorable Mention on Sponsor page on website
Presenting Sponsorship $75
Business card color ad in the Fair Book
Name recognition on sponsor page of website MadisonCountyFairMo.com
Name recognition in the sponsor page in the Fair Book
Supporting Sponsorship $150
Quarter-page color ad in the Fair Book
Name/logo listed in Premium Book
Name recognition on sponsor page of website MadisonCountyFairMo.com
Name recognition in the sponsor page in the Fair Book
Partnering Sponsorship $250
Half page color ad in the Fair Book
Name/logo listed in Premium Book
Name recognition on sponsor page of website MadisonCountyFairMo.com
Name recognition in the sponsor page in the Fair Book
Sustainable Sponsorship $350
Full page color ad in the Fair Book
Name/logo listed in Premium Book
Booth for both days at the event
Name recognition on sponsor page of website MadisonCountyFairMo.com
Name recognition in the sponsor page in the Fair Book
Education Champion Sponsorship $500
Banner on MadisonCountyFairMo.com webpage
Full-page color ad in the Fair Book
Name/logo listed in Premium Book
Name and link on Fair’s Facebook page
Booth for both days at the event
Name recognition on sponsor page of website MadisonCountyFairMo.com
Name recognition in the sponsor page in the Fair Book
Community Visionary $1000
Community Visionary Name will be part of the official event name: Your Business/Church/Family Proud Sponsor of The Madison County Fair
Name/logo on all printed materials & online
Recognition in all press releases related to events
Banner on MadisonCountyFairMo.com webpage
Two-page color ad in the Fair Book
Name/logo listed in Premium Book
Name and link on Fair’s Facebook page
Two booths for both days at the event
Name recognition on sponsor page of website MadisonCountyFairMo.com
Name recognition in the sponsor page in the Fair Book